This procedure can be associated with immediate provisionalization, reducing treatment time and preserving the periodontal architecture that contributes to final esthetics.
PDF: Immediate implants placed into infected sockets: a case report with 3-year follow-up
It has been reported that procedures for immediate provisionalization require laboratory work, which is time and cost consuming.
Margeas (2006) and Chen & Pow, reported the use of the patient’s natural teeth as a provisional piece in order to preserve the tooth emergence profile.
VIDEO: Bone graft for dental implant - Bone grafting is the only solution to reverse dental bone loss and is a well-accepted procedure required in one in every four dental implants.
However, most tooth extractions in which provisionalization is indicated are related to teeth treated with metal ceramic crowns or extreme crown reconstructions.
These crowns are difficult to handle when adjusting the cervical margin to the abutment. Herein, a method for immediate implant provisionalization is described and illustrated in detail.
The aim of this article is to describe a chairside method for immediate implant provisionalization, which
preserves the original natural emergence profile and anatomy of the teeth.