Dental preparations in order to receive indirect adhesive partial restorations result in the removal of the layer of email, thus generating a significant exposure of the dentinal tubules.
This dentine exposed immediately after the preparation of the cavity, makes the tooth susceptible to bacterial infiltration through the passage of microorganisms through the dentinal tubules, and can also be the cause of postoperative sensitivity.
In order to overcome these drawbacks, dentin sealing techniques using numerous amelo-adhesive systems have been described.
Immediate hybridization techniques, performed just after the preparation of the dental tissues, and before the impression is strongly recommended.
This step will aim the formation of a hybrid layer at the dentinal surface, thus allowing the preservation of the pulpal parenchyma, the decrease of the bacterial infiltrations, and a strengthening of the adhesion force.
In our paper we will describe the protocol of immediate dentin sealing, as well as the adhesive systems used, while reviewing the various advantages that this technique offers in the prevention of pulpal integration, the limitation of recurrence of caries and decreased postoperative sensitivity.