PDF Halitosis: an overview of epidemiology, etiology and clinical management

Halitosis is defined as breath that is offensive to others, caused by a variety of reasons including but not limited to periodontal disease, bacterial coating of tongue, systemic disorders and different types of food.

It is one of the most frequent claims from patients to the dentist. 

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After the decline in the prevalence of oral diseases of major prevalence, Dentistry has given it a closer attention, which should not be considered a cosmetic problem. However, science behind the understanding of halitosis is weak. Several clinical approaches are based strictly on opinions.

The present review will focus on different aspects of halitosis, trying to demonstrate the most appropriate evidence to support the approach for its management.

Halitosis is an unpleasant condition that causes social restraint. Studies worldwide indicate a high prevalence of moderate halitosis, whereas severe cases are restricted to around 5% of the populations.
