PDF: Cervical abrasion injuries in current dentistry

Currently, dental abrasion is a frequent pathological condition, hence the importance of its study; to be specific, the cervical abrasion injury is the wear of the hard tissues of the tooth located in the neck of the tooth, produced by a constant frictional mechanical process. 

Clinically, at the beginning it is small horizontal groove near the cementenamel junction; However, then the walls form a wedge with polished, glassy surfaces and tactile sensitivity. 

This type of lesions usually have a multi-causal origin, where the oral hygiene technique should be supervised and corrected as part of the treatment, emphasizing the type, quantity and frequency of toothpaste use, hardness of brush and the pressure exerted during dental brushing. 

In this way, the correct diagnosis allows the professional to identify the possible causes and the specific treatment for each case.

Alejandro J Amaíz Flores
General Dentist, Specialist in Operative and Aesthetic
Odontology, Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela
Correspondence: Alejandro Amaíz Flores, General Dentist,
Specialist in Operative and Aesthetic Odontology, Central
University of Venezuela (U.C.V.), with validation of foreign
degrees at the University of Costa Rica, Periodontics at the
University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Tel 84547265,
Email alejandro.amaiz@gmail.com
Received: March 7, 2018 | Published: April 19, 2018

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