Endodontic books have constant updates and new authors who share their knowledge and experiences in the specialty.
The literature is very varied, but only some authors manage to excel in their intention to train the dentist, with clear texts and attractive graphics that captivate the reader.
Next, we share with the dental community, the 3 best-selling endodontic books, in the last 5 years in the Amazon store.
Key features: two new chapters: endodontic emergencies and regenerative endodontics added clinical notes highlighting the pertinent important clinical aspects of the topic being discussed several new case reports illustrating the conceptual and clinical discussions in detail over 1200 illustrations comprising relevant line diagrams, clinical photographs, radiographs and histological slides a visual master class dvd, presenting videos of important clinical procedures.
Find the latest evidence-based research and clinical treatments! Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp, 11th Edition covers the science, theory, and practice of endondontics with chapters written by internationally renowned experts.
Full-color illustrations and detailed radiographs guide you through each step of endodontic care ― from diagnosis and treatment planning to proven techniques for managing pulpal and periapical diseases. New to the print edition are seven new chapters, and the eBook version adds three more.
The main divisions of the book are The Science of Endodontics, The Practice of Endodontics, and Interdisciplinary Endodontics. With contributions from the world's experts in all phases of the specialty, the 7th edition of Ingle's Endodontics promises to be the indispensable endodontic textbook, an essential part of every endodontist's library.