The utilization of photography is fundamental and images may be used for several purposes, including registration records, pre- and posttreatment evaluation, collection of clinical cases for didactic-pedagogic use, publication of scientific articles, legal protection, improvement of professional experience, a tool for professional advertising and marketing, besides others.
However, similar to any other dental equipment, the clinician must know the photographic resources and have technical and operational expertise to improve the performance and outcomes, also for the beginners.
The digital technology has revolutionized and is well established in the clinical dental photography.
Images from digital cameras are available in seconds and can be displayed on computer screens in minutes, which is advantageous compared to the long time and higher costs required for the processing of conventional photographs.
Image editing softwares allow multiple actions such as rotation, enhancement, lighting, cropping, and even more sophisticated changes as desired.
DENTAL BOOKS: Dental Photography Manual - Kris Chmielewski - In this manual you will find practical information about recommended equipment, settings, and accessories.
Though recent, the introduction of this feature in the dental clinic has been increasing. Photographs are fundamental for record keeping in clinical dentistry and represent a valuable resource in Orthodontics.
Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide information for obtaining photographs more effectively, as well as to contribute with some relevant questions for the selection and applicable settings of digital systems of semiprofessional and compact cameras, with a view to enhance the achievement of photographs with good quality and focus.