Facial asymmetry is a phenomenon that occurs naturally, and in the majority of cases, can be observed only through comparison between homologue parts of the face.
Analyzing the physical form of facial tissues, allows verifying the asymmetry with skeletal component or not. It is a common human characteristic and can occur on many levels, origins of genetic factors; it can be caused by traumas or cross bite and/or muscular disability.
Posterior crossbite is considered as an abnormal dental relation on buccal-lingual direction when the occlusion of arches occurs and is a high prevalence alteration. It can lead to bone base dystrophy, with orthopedic or structural alterations, resulting in facial asymmetries.
In every malocclusion, the crossbite has a multifactor etiology, with the influence of genetic and environmental factors, and the interaction among themselves.
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The asymmetries between the two sides of inferior maxillary is normally consequence of mandibular adaptive response during function deviation, and can cause condylar remodeling.
The prevalence and severity of mandibular asymmetries on mixed and deciduous dentition has been studied to some extent; however, early identification and orthodontic treatment contribute to improving dental and skeletal development.
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The perpetuation of wrong function on initial phases causes principally transversal discrepancies, and can result in problems in temporomandibular articulation.