Occasionally dental caries could compromise the interproximal contact point, leading to migration of the adjacent teeth with consequent retention of food, gingival inflammation, pocket formation, bone loss and dental mobility.
7 ORTHODONTICS BOOKS that every specialist must read. The following list of Orthodontics books includes literature published since 2000. Professionals in this specialty have to read this collection of books.
In order to achieve an adequate restorative treatment, reestablishment of interproximal space is necessary.
This report describes the interproximal space recovery between the maxillary first and second molars of a 45-year-old female patient before tooth reconstruction.
DENTAL TRAINING: Over 25 ORTHODONTICS videos including FREE Webinars, Conferences and Clinical Cases to share
In this case, an orthodontic elastic separator was indicated as an alternative to fixed orthodontic appliances in order to recover the necessary space.
The technique was proven efficient, effective, economical, easy to perform and, above all, less invasive than other methods.