NICE guidance for mandibular third molars has been available since 2000. This was set up to limit the surgical treatment of these teeth to symptomatic patients.
There are numerous risks involved with surgical treatment of mandibular third molars and these should be explained in detail to the patient.
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Common and serious complications of mandibular third molar surgery are damage to the inferior alveolar and lingual nerve. Predicting the risk of inferior alveolar nerve injury is useful for treatment planning.
The orthopantomogram (OPT) is the baseline special test for assessing this and numerous signs on an OPT can predict an increased risk of injury to the nerve.
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is being more frequently used to assess this relationship further and can influence treatment planning. Coronectomy is a technique whereby the crown of the tooth is sectioned and removed leaving the roots in situ.
This has proven to be a useful technique in high risk cases, but is not without its own complications. The increase in availability of CBCT imaging and the recent resurgence of coronectomy as a treatment modality can increase the number of treatment options available to patients.
We have proposed an algorithm to aid the treatment planning and informed consent processes associated with mandibular third molar surgery.