PDF: Class II composite resin restorations: faster, easier, predictable

Composite resin continues to displace amalgam as the preferred direct restorative material in developed countries.

Even though composite materials have evolved to include nanoparticles with high physical properties and low shrinkage stress, dentists have been challenged to efficiently create quality, long lasting, predictable restorations.


Unlike amalgam, composite resin cannot be condensed making the establishment of a predictable, proper contact more difficult. 

In addition, composite requires an understanding of adhesives and an appreciation for their exacting application.

These facts combined with the precise adaptation and light-curing of multiple layers makes placement of quality Class II composite restorations tedious and time-consuming. 

For private practicing dentists, it can also have an effect on economic productivity. Clinicians have always wanted an easier, efficient placement technique for posterior composite restorations that rivals that for amalgam.

It appears that advances in instrumentation, materials and technology have finally delivered it. The placement of a successful Class II composite resin restoration can be compared to the construction of a three legged stool. 

To function, all three legs have to be made correctly, that is, be exactly the same length, located in the right position and strongly attached to the stool.

In the case of an economical and successfully placed Class II composite resin restoration, the three challenges (legs of the stool) are: 

1. achievement of a predictable contact; 
2. no or minor post-operative sensitivity of short duration; and 
3. access to a simplified, faster and easier placement technique that delivers a consistent high quality result. 

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