It is a rare lesion in newborn; it appears as an isolated tumor lesion, mostly located in the anterior zone of the alveolar crest. This lesion bleeds spontaneously and shows predilection for the female gender.
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Its etiology is related to trauma factors, local irritation and hormonal changes. Due to its size it can affect the newborn’s feeding. Surgical removal is the choice treatment for this type of lesions.
The present study presents the case of a newborn with diagnosis of telangiectaticum granuloma in the mandibular ridge associated to a natal tooth. Clinical and histopathological characteristics are described as well as performed treatment.
Oral teliangectaticum granuloma (OTG), also called pyogenic granuloma, or lobular capillary hemangioma, is a reactive, infl ammatory, hyperplasic benign lesion which affects skin and oral mucosa.
This type of lesion, of unknown pathogenesis, is related in newborn to several developmental factors such as trauma, presence of natal teeth, and local gingival irritation due to plaque, among others.
This tumor lesion has its onset in the alveolar mucosa. It appears most frequently in the upper jaw, mainly in the anterior region. It is a rapid growing lesion and measures from millimeters to centimeters.