Periodontitis is the most common, destructive, inflammatory diseases of supporting tissues of the teeth in humans, with profound effects on general health.
Aggressive periodontitis (AgP) comprises a rare, rapidly progressing form of periodontitis, characterized by severe destruction of periodontal attachment apparatus and tooth loss at an early age.
Considering the psychological problems which these patients have during the early stages of their life, the chief aim of the treatment is to achieve functional, esthetic, and phonetic rehabilitation.
Dental implant is a widely used treatment option that provides functional and esthetic resolution. Implant placement in patients with a history of AP might be considered a
viable option to restore oral function; however, the risk for implant failure is significantly higher.
This report presents rehabilitation of lower anterior teeth with implant therapy in a 24-year-old systemically healthy male with a history of localized AP, who had previously received complete periodontal therapy for periodontal stabilization.
BOOK: Practical Procedures in Implant Dentistry - Christopher C. K. Ho - Wiley-Blackwell 2021 (Amazon)
Case report
A 24-year-old healthy male was a known case of localized aggressive periodontitis, who had received periodontal therapy and
extractions with severely drifted lower central incisors 4 months previously.
He received scaling, root planing and soft tissue curettage in conjunction with systemic antibiotics. His medical history was not significant and he had no parafunctional habits.
Intraoral examination revealed anterior open bite along with pathologic migration of maxillary and
mandibular anterior teeth.
7 IMPLANTOLOGY BOOKS that every specialist must read. The following list of implantology books includes literature published since 2000. Professionals in this specialty have to read this collection of books.
Maxillary arch showed largely spaced, flared anterior teeth, whereas in mandibular arch a four-unit bridge spacing in anterior region was present with extracted central
A CBCT examination of the mandible was carried out to assess the existing bone morphology. After informed consent, prosthetic rehabilitation was planned with a four-unit bridge on two implants for the lower anterior teeth.