PDF: Review Article on the All-On-Four Treatment Concept in Dental Implants
Edentulism, a condition characterized by the absence of teeth, signifi cantly impacts facial aesthetics, eating effi ci…
9/30/2024 0Edentulism, a condition characterized by the absence of teeth, signifi cantly impacts facial aesthetics, eating effi ci…
Ovi Dental 9/30/2024 0Complete or partial digital workflow utilizing computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technol…
Ovi Dental 9/13/2024 0The aim was to evaluate the presence of maxillary sinus abnormalities in patients with dental implants in the posterior…
Ovi Dental 9/11/2024 0The goal of this text is to provide the reader with the tools for making an informed choice among all the available the…
Ovi Dental 8/27/2024 0In traditional dental implant surgery, a sequential drilling strategy is used to ensure primary implant stability throu…
Ovi Dental 8/20/2024 0Oral rehabilitation with the help of dental implants allows us to solve various situations of edentulism, limited bone …
Ovi Dental 8/16/2024 0Overdenture conventionally is a partial or complete denture prosthesis constructed over existing teeth or root structur…
Ovi Dental 8/14/2024 0The Spiral dental implant has self-drilling capabilities and a unique spiral body design that allows it to change its …
Ovi Dental 8/06/2024 0There is currently no consensus regarding the survival rate of osseointegrated implants in patients with osteoporosis. …
Ovi Dental 7/30/2024 0Dental Solutions cuenta con las mejores Soluciones Digitales para las restauraciones finales en implantología. Permite …
Ovi Dental 7/28/2024 0The use of dental implants to restore edentulous jaws has become commonplace. Usually, in the maxilla, following a toot…
Ovi Dental 7/25/2024 0The Spiral dental implant has self-drilling capabilities and a unique spiral body design that allows it to change its p…
Ovi Dental 7/22/2024 0It is understood that one-piece implant design is a stronger concept as there is no connection between implant and abut…
Ovi Dental 7/13/2024 0El edentulismo progresivo en el sector posterior del maxilar superior provoca una reducción del reborde alveolar maxila…
Ovi Dental 6/23/2024 0Long-term success is ensured by the implant, Many benefits and solutions are available for a variety of bone problems, …
Ovi Dental 6/14/2024 0