BOOK 2024: Bone. Biology, Harvesting, and Grafting for Dental Implants - 2nd Edition

"Bone: Biology, Harvesting, and Grafting for Dental Implants" (2nd Edition) by Dr. Arun K. Garg is an essential resource for dental professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in bone grafting techniques for implantology.

This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of bone biology and provides step-by-step procedures for harvesting and grafting bone to optimize dental implant outcomes. 

Key Features

- In-Depth Bone Biology: Understand the fundamental principles of bone physiology and how they relate to dental implantology. 

- Comprehensive Grafting Techniques: Learn various methods for bone harvesting from sites such as the ramus, mandibular symphysis, and tibia, along with augmentation procedures for the maxillary sinus and anterior alveolar ridge. 

- Material Reviews: Explore different bone grafting materials and barrier membranes, with insights into their specific applications and benefits. 

- Advanced Procedures: Gain knowledge on ridge-spreading, ridge-splitting techniques, and the use of bone morphogenetic proteins for bone regeneration. 

Table of Contents

1. Bone Biology and Physiology for Dental Implantology 
2. Review of Bone Grafting Materials 
3. Barrier Membranes for Bone Regeneration 
4. Harvesting Bone from the Ramus 
5. Harvesting Bone from the Mandibular Symphysis 
6. Harvesting Bone from the Tibia 
7. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins for Bone Regeneration 
8. Alveolar Ridge Preservation After Tooth Extraction 
9. Maxillary Sinus Grafting for Placement of Dental Implants 
10. Augmentation and Grafting of the Maxillary Anterior Alveolar Ridge 
11. Subnasal Elevation and Bone Augmentation 
12. Grafting of the Nasopalatine Canal 
13. Ridge-Spreading and Ridge-Splitting Techniques for Dental Implants 
14. Membrane-Guided Bone Regeneration with and without Cortical Bone Pins 
15. Alveolar Ridge Grafting with Autogenous Bone Plates 
16. Allogeneic Bone Plates for Bone Grafting 
17. Titanium Mesh for Bone Regeneration 

Dr. Garg, a pioneer in dental bone grafting, offers a practical approach grounded in evidence-based practice, making this book invaluable for both learning and reference purposes. 

The second edition, published in 2024, spans 332 pages and includes 1,966 illustrations to support the detailed procedures described.

Expert Opinions

While specific expert reviews are not available in the provided information, the comprehensive nature of the book and Dr. Garg's reputation in the field suggest that this work is highly regarded among dental professionals. 

One user review on Amazon describes it as a "must-have textbook for anyone involved in the field of dentistry," highlighting its thorough coverage and practical approach. 


"Bone: Biology, Harvesting, and Grafting for Dental Implants" (2nd Edition) is available for purchase on Amazon in both hardcover and Kindle formats. 

The hardcover edition is priced at $168.00, and the Kindle edition at $149.99

For dental professionals aiming to elevate their practice in implantology, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to mastering bone grafting techniques.

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