Prefabricated posts were traditionally made of metal and might be visible through the structure of endodontically treated teeth, particularly in anterior region.
THE 3 BEST-SELLING ENDODONTIC BOOKS: Grossman's endodontic practice, Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp and Ingle's Endodontics 7
Als o, these posts are able to form a monoblock structure created by dentin, resin cement and post.
The systematic reviewing process enables the aggregation of res ults from different studies comparing different types of posts and aims to provide the current best available evidence upon which clinical decisions regarding the selection of endodontic posts can be based.
The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the placement of nonmetallic post in endodontically treated teeth is associated with improved survival rate of the restored teeth, using a systematic reviewing process of clinical studies.