Oral Surgery articles are the perfect complement to the bibliographic works that serve as a basis for knowing in depth the management of surgical procedures, diagnostic methods, solution techniques and everything related to its relationship with Periodontology, Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation in general.
There are thousands of articles available for study and analysis, of those, a small percentage are available on the web, our task is to find the most relevant information, classify and disseminate them.
7 ORAL SURGERY BOOKS that every specialist must read. The following list of Oral Surgery books includes literature published since 2000. Professionals in this specialty have to read this collection of books.
In that endeavor, we believe it is important that downloading and archiving these articles will provide consistent supportive reading in the office and / or home. More importantly, is to share this information with our colleagues, dental and specialty students.
Below we present 5 articles on Oral Surgery that are part of the most sought after and downloaded on our platform.
Just a favor, SHARE IT with your colleagues.
The most commonly performed surgical procedure in most oral and maxillofacial surgery practices is the removal of impacted third molars.
The aims of this article are to report three distinct cases of Torus palatinus and to discuss the management of each of them.
Various methods and materials have been used (sutures, stents, paste dressings, tissue tacks and adhesives) for precise flap placement. Suturing has remained the most popular method.
This report describes an unusual case of impacted maxillary third molar that was accidentally displaced into the maxillary sinus during extraction and remained there for almost two years.
The myofibroma is defined as a benign neoplasm formed by myoid contractile cells localized around the wall of thin blood vessels.